Friday 26 October 2012

Sat. 27th Oct., 2012 - Observations & Conclusions

A few facts that emerged from our trip:

Kentucky Fried Chicken & Magnum icecreams are really nice!

You can't read a book in camp-site toilets - other caravanners get a bit irate!

We (not just me), are not early risers.

Bob is not very friendly with his seat-belt.

I have no desire to become a navigator.

Why don't furniture makers consult car manufacturers about seating?  Car seats are usually far more comfortable that the average lounge suite.

Remember that caravan walls are thin!  Tent fabric is even thinner.

God is not called Telstra because He is available everywhere!

Bob & I are more compatible than we thought or, have we just learned to ignore one another (impaired hearing, even the selective kind, has its compensations).

We missed family & friends and I missed my quilting group.

Australia's future traffic jams will all be caused by "grey nomads".

Caravan parks are probably the next best source of income after old peoples' homes.

The Internet is useful but not infallible.

Why do men enjoy cooking outside, but are far less enthusiastic about it in the kitchen?

When caravanning, anything other than a vest(singlet), shorts & thongs becomes "smart/casual".

Older people never ask, "Are we nearly there?"  They just enjoy the ride.

Things that pleased us:

Simple, one-pot meals (curry, chilli, spag. bol., etc.)
A very comfortable bed
A hassle-free personal appearance (no make-up, hair-do's, etc.)
Opportunities to "make do" & use initiative - eg. a microwave turn-table can double as a serving plate
Simple pleasures - beautiful scenery, sunsets, the night sky, fresh air, etc.
Ability to manage with a minimum of equipment
The opportunity to learn, explore & discover
Variety of people & places
My fleece & "Ug" slippers when it was cold; a refreshing swim when it was hot

Things that irritated:

My inability to reach all the top cupboards in the caravan
Our horrible doormat!
Insufficient microwavable containers
The "screech" of the table when rotated!
In a limited space, nothing persoal is ever sacred!

Just a few of our favourite sunsets

Just a few of the wild flowers we found


  1. LOVE these montages. You will have to print and frame them.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Jacky, & for following the blog so faithfully - we're sorry that our exciting adventure is over. However, lots to do now - we need to clean the caravan & car, ready to put them on the market, then we have to go up to Queensland to see the family. No rest for the wicked - we're never still for long! I have missed my quilting, though - haven't done any sewing since I left England; will have to remedy that. Best wishes to you & the Group - Liz
