Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Mon. 13th Aug., 2012 - Derby to Broome (approx. 210km)

Bob got up early & played 9 holes of golf.  He said that the course was lovely & there were a lot of birds.  I decided to watch the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics but, although it was on at 6am in the eastern states, I forgot that here, in the west, it would have happened at 4am!  Consequently, I only managed to see the finale (a bit like last night's sunset).

We left Derby at just after 10am.  Judy & Charlie went on ahead of us, so we agreed to look out for them at morning coffee stops along the route.

Boab trees in Derby's main street

We crossed two or three rivers & some lakes during the initial part of our journey but there were also some very dry areas & thousands of termite hills.

As we drew nearer to Broome, we missed the kapok trees & our friends, the boabs - we still saw a few wattles but these were also dwindling.  The vegetation came in various shades of green with much of the foliage having a feathery appearance.  Over the last 30km, the road became long & straight, seeming to stretch into the distance for ever.  Conditions never altered & the sun continued to beat down out of a cloudless sky.

On arrival at Broome Caravan Park, we settled in &, most importantly, collected our mail (thank you, Mike!)

The town appears to be reasonably large & we look forward to exploring during the next two weeks.

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