Saturday, 15 September 2012

Wed. 12th Sept., 2012 - A day in Carnarvon

The date is interesting:  12/09/12 - our lovely granddaughter, Ruby's 12th birthday!  In December of this year, we will see 12/12/12 (& Ruby will still be 12).  And, tonight will be "Twelfth Night" - who said we'd gone metric & lost the good old dozen!  Eat your heart out, Decimalization!

I digress, but couldn't resist a few fun observations.  Back to the travel blog ... Carnarvon must be the windiest place in Australia - it has been blowing a gale (albeit a warm one) ever since we arrived.  Good for the washing but hard on the hairstyle!

Having had a good look at our caravan park, I realise that we are surrounded by orchards, plantations & market gardens - fruit & vegetables are growing right up to the park's fences.

Mango Orchard

Mile Long Jetty
After a restful morning, we drove into Carnarvon to have a look round.  We weren't very impressed with the town, particularly when comparing it with our previous idyllic stopping-off place (Coral Bay).  Carnarvon's town centre is an absolute mess, as they are in the process of giving it a make-over.  However, residents do not seem very optimistic as they have suffered "work-in-progress" for ages & there doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel.  Meantime, the roads & pavements are dusty, dirty & chaotic, as workmen & their materials block everyone's path.  We did drive out to Mile Long Jetty & the small boat harbour, but there was very little of interest to see or do - it all seemed very half-hearted.  We look forward to moving on to Shark Bay tomorrow - hopefully, we'll be staying at the small town of Denham & using it as a base from which to explore the rest of the area.

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