Friday, 19 October 2012

Sun. 14th Oct., 2012 - Exploring Kalgoorlie

Halleluja - the grey clouds had gone, the wind had become a gentle breeze & the sun was shining!  Even our gritty site seemed less forbidding.

Armed with cameras, we set out to explore Kalgoorlie, which turned out to be an interesting town, full of history & fascinating architecture.  Jacaranda trees were coming into bloom, their lovely lavender blossom adding colour to the streets.  We'd never seen so many grand hotels all clustered together within a limited area.  They illustrated times gone by & seemed very old, until I realised that they were all built around the time of my father's birth.  It's hard to accept that those we've known & loved have already become part of history.

 There was an old-style sweetshop that sold many delights remembered from our childhood & a couple of establishments advertising 'wares' with which we were totally unfamiliar - mysterious places called "Langtrees" & "Questa Casa", the latter of which offered conducted tours & still plied its original trade!

Liz with Paddy Hannan the man who found the gold in Kalgoorlie

Having walked down both sides of historic Hannan Street, we moved on to Hammond Park, a lovely green area where a Sunday market was in progress.  It was colourful & very well attended, the beautiful weather allowing people to browse amongst the stalls, as well as to relax on the grass & under the trees. 

Bob dropped me back at the caravan park before driving to the golf course to play the first two holes of his Nullarbor experience.  The heat had tired me, but Bob seems to find energy from somewhere the moment he holds a golf club in his hand.

Later, we drove back into town to enjoy a very reasonably priced roast dinner at one of the pubs, then spent the rest of the evening with Anne & Jack, a pleasant couple from Washington DC, who had arrived at the site next to ours.

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